Volleyball Rules & Regulations
The maximum number of players carried on a roster will be as follows:
6 player teams: 10 players
5 player teams (Fri night only): 10 players
4 player teams: 7 players
The minimum number of players on the court for a game is as follows:
6 player teams: 4 players
5 player teams (Fri night only): 4 players
4 player teams: 3 players
4 players on the court, 3 guys maximum & 1 girl minimum
5 players on the court, 3 guys maximum, 2 girls minimum
6 players on the court, 4 guys maximum, 2 girls minimum
4 PLAYER TEAMS (Thur 4 man league):
3 players on the court, 3 guys maximum &, 0 girls minimum
4 players on the court, 4 guys maximum, 0 girls minimum
Each team must have at least the minimum amount of players ready to play at the start of each game without any exceptions or the forfeit time goes into effect.
GAMES PLAYED Teams will play a match of three (3) 21 point games with a cap of 23, rally scoring.
All players are to contact their captain for for scheduled game times. It is the responsibility of the teams to be on hand when the referee calls the captains for the coin toss of the forfeit time goes into effect.
1st game -> 5 minutes
2nd game -> 10 minutes
3rd game -> 5 minutes
(for a total time of 20 minutes)
The time begins at the scheduled time of each match. Once the 3rd game is forfeited, referee will officiate approximately 20 minutes as a courtesy.
$12 per team to be paid at the beginning of the match. During a forfeit, the forfeiting team is responsible for payment of their ref fees AND the ref fees of the opposing team.
In the event of a known scheduling conflict, the team captain must notify Holidays in a timely manner. If a substitute team can be arranged, the forfeiting team will still be responsible for their ref fee. Holidays or the referee will notify the team if a substitute team can be arranged.
All scheduled games will be played rain or shine.
In the case of inclement weather (lightning) the referee may postpone the match or interrupt is as deemed advisable for the protection of all participants. All completed games of the match are to be closed and reported as completed games.
Any make up games including holidays will be played at the discretion of Holiday’s Volleyball.
The playing captain is the only player who may address the referee and shall be the spokesperson of the team. The playing captain is the player that called the coin toss at the beginning of the game. TIME OUTS
Request for time outs can only be made by the playing captain when the ball is out of play. Each team is allowed (2) 30-second time outs per game.
If a team member deliberately performs an act of distracting an opponent during play, play shall be stopped and a penalty immediately imposed on the team. A side out and/or a point will be awarded to the opposing team.
The choice of serve, side or receive shall be determined by a coin toss for the 1st game. Teams shall change playing areas and serve for the beginning of the 2nd game. A coin toss for the 3rd game will be called by the captain that did not call in the coin toss of the 1st game.
The right rear player is the server and must serve the ball between the two side lines of the court and behind the back line of the court without touching the line when the ball is contacted for service. Each player shall serve in turn and will continue to serve until a side out is called.
If the ball doesn’t go over the net or touches the antenna when served or is out of bounds or touches any teammate before touching an opponent or the opponent’s court, a side out is called and the opponent takes possession and they must rotate before serving.
The service must be made “within 8 seconds” after the ready-to-serve signal by the referee. If a player serves before the referee’s signal, a re-serve will be directed. Only 1 re-serve will be allowed per team, per game. Any serves that are not signaled by the referee after the first re-serve will be a side out.
If the ball is tossed up in the air for a serve, the ball must be served. Catching the ball or letting it hit the ground is a fault and will result in a side out.
It is illegal to attack or block a served ball in any way.
The players of the serving team must not, through screening, prevent the receiving player from watching the server or the trajectory of the ball. Screening is illegal and is a fault. A team makes a screen when the ball is served over two or more players of the screening team.
Note: if a player is bent down, that player is not considered part of a screen.
The ball, including a served ball, hitting the net between the antenna remains in play. Any ball hitting the antenna is a dead ball foul. The entire width of the ball must cross above the net between the antenna or their indefinite vertical extensions.
Contacting the net with any part of the body or uniform (other than hair) while making a play on or at the ball during play is a fault. If a player touches the net inadvertently while not making a play on or at the ball it is not considered a fault.
If the ball is driven into the net with such force that causes the net to contact a player, the contact is not a fault. When the ball contacts the antenna above or below the top of the net it becomes out of play.
The ball may contact any part of the player’s body. A player may have successive contacts of the body during blocking and during a single attempt to make the first team hit of the ball coming from the opponents.
Any other player contacting the ball more than once, with any part of the body, without intervening contact by another player will be considered to have committed a fault.
The moment of serving – it is illegal for players of the serving team to wave their arms, jump or form groups of 2 or more players for the purpose of forming a screen to conceal the actions of the server. No carrying, lifting, throwing or misdirection of the ball will be allowed.
No yelling or stomping the feet when the other team is playing the ball. Anyone but the captain arguing the call will be given one warning, the next time they can be ejected from the game.
No foul or abusive language or physical contact will be allowed towards another player or the referee and may result in immediate ejection from Holidays.
It is illegal to attack or block a serve while the ball is completely above the height of the net. A player is not allowed to attack the ball on the opponent’s side of the net. If the ball is hit above the attacker’s side of the net and the follow through caused the attacker’s hand to cross the net without contacting an opponent or the net, such an action does not constitute a foul.
BACK ROW ATTACKER (applicable to 6 player teams only)
A back row player who is on or in front of the attack line may play the ball directly into the opponent’s team area if at the moment of the contact the ball is not completely above the top of the net. If the back row player’s last foot contact was made behind the attack line, the ball may be spiked or directed into the opponent’s team area. After contacting the ball, the player may land on or in front of the attack line.
A player may reach over the net to block a ball only if the ball is directed to their court or after the 3rd team hit. Multiple contacts of the ball by a player(s) participating in a block shall be legal provided the are during one attempt to deflect the ball. Any player participating in a block shall have the right to make the next contact with such contact counting as the first team hit. Blocking a served ball is a fault. 6 Player teams only: back row players may not block or participate in a block and will be considered a fault.
Players may not enter non-playing areas of the purpose of playing the ball. Players making a play on the ball may play the ball over a non-playing area if they have at least one foot in contact within the playable ground at the time the ball is contacted.
Non-playing areas are the bleachers, concrete pad by the bar door, picnic tables and the area between the picnic tables.
If the ball touches the outside netting, play will be stopped and a dead ball foul will be enforced.
If a player touches the outside netting with any force while the ball is in play, the play will be stopped and a dead ball foul will be called on the player making the foul.
If the ball touches the ceiling and crosses into the opponent’s side of the court, play will be stopped and a dead ball foul will be enforced.
If after the first team contact, the ball touches the ceiling, play will continue. A side out will be signaled if in the referees’ judgement, the dome’s ceiling resulted in the ball continuing to be in play. The referee will consider the ball’s trajectory and speed if a side out is called.
Contact with the ceiling or walls after the 3rd hit is considered a fault.
If the ball contacts the blue part of the side walls, play will be stopped and a dead ball foul will be enforced.
A player may have successive contacts with the ball when making the 1st team hit on a ball coming from the opponents’ side provided the hits are made during one continuous attempt to play the ball. During successive contacts, permitting the ball to roll along any part of the body is illegal.
Successive contacts on the 1st team hit must be during one continuous attempt to play the ball.
A player may not cross the center line and interfere with a player playing on the opposing side. NOTE: This is at the referee’s discretion and is for the safety of you, the player.
A ball penetrating the vertical plane of the net may be returned to a team’s side by a player of that team provided the ball has not completely passed beyond the vertical plane of the net when contact is made. Opponents have equal right to play the ball when any part of the ball has penetrated the vertical plane of the net.
A ball hitting any part of the line is considered inbounds, including the outside of the line.
No recreational team may have more than 2 intermediate players at any one time on a given night of play. No power player may play in the recreational league. (Referee & Holiday’s discretion)
If you are on an intermediate roster that night of play, you are considered an intermediate player that night.
Referee fees are $24 per team for the entire night. All players participating in the league must play at least 3 matches to be eligible for playoffs.
Teams will play the best of 2 out of 3 games to advance. The higher standing team will call. If the match goes to a 3rd game, then the team not calling the coin toss for the first game will have the call.
Teams will play 2 games to 21 with a 23 point cap. A 3rd game, if needed, will be played to 15 with a 2 point advantage with no cap, switching sides at 8. There is no time limit for the playoffs. Games are played until there is a winner in the game.
Any concerns regarding opposing team’s lineup must be addressed prior to the start of the 2nd game. Once a game is played, the results are final.